Taxonomy of meanings for 咸:  

  • 咸 xián (OC: ɡroom MC: ɦɯæm) 胡讒切 平 廣韻:【皆也同也悉也亦姓姓苑云巫咸之後今東海有之胡讒切十一 】
    • ALL
      • pad.VtoNreference=objectall the objects
      • padVreference=subjectall, each of the subjects
      • padVall the contextually determinate but omitted subjectsCH

    Additional information about 咸

    說文解字: 【咸】,皆也。悉也。从口、从戌。戌,悉也。 〔小徐本作「從口、戌聲。」〕 【胡監切】

    • ALL






      1. Jiē 皆 the most common and general colourless subject qunatifier which is also used, occasionally as an object quantifier.

      SUBJECT-BINDING!; [padV]

      2.Jìn 盡 is a universal object quantifier which indicates that the action the transitive verb it precedes applies to the whole lot of the objects of that verb indiscriminately.


      3. Gè 各 quantifies by emphasising the separate features of each item quantified over.


      4. Jiān 兼 is an object quantifier which says that the transitive verb it precedes applies to each of the objects in its own right.


      5. Qún 群 is a quantifier which indicates that the whole of the flock or group of items designated by the noun it precedes are referred to

      [COLLECTIVE]; [nadN]

      6. Zhū 諸 is an adjectival quantifier which indicates that the whole group of the things indicated by the noun it precedes is referred to.

      [COLLECTIVE]; [padN]

      7. Zhòng 眾 is an adnominal quantififier which says that the whole of the group of things designated by the noun it precedes are intended.

      [COLLECTIVE]; [nadN]

      8. Fán 凡 characterises a topic adnominally as forming the general subject or topic in a non-narrative statement of principle. The current gloss "in general" is misleading because it wrongly suggests that there are exceptions, and because it does not specify the non-narrative "theoretical" nature of the statements introduced by the word. "In principle" is much to be preferred.

      [SPECIFIC]; [vadN[TOPIC]]

      9. Jù 俱 / 具 is a collective subject quantifier which says that all the subjects are equally and together characterised by what is in the predicate.

      [SUBJECT-BINDING]; [vadV]

      10. Fàn 氾 quantifies generally over all objects of the verb it precedes.


      11. Fàn 汎 says that a verb has a whole range of objects, indiscriminately, and without reference to their specific character.


      12. Měi 每 mostly adnominal and emphasises that a each and every new item quantified over is separately intended.

      [INDIVIDUAL]; [padN]

      13. Jūn 均 / 鈞 expresses universal quantification over all subjects equally, without any difference.


      14. Zhōu 周 is a rare object quantifier claiming that all the objects of a verb are intended, without exception.


      15. Xī 悉 mass object qunatifier which says that the transitive verb it precedes applies to the whole of the objects indiscriminately.


      16. Xián 咸 is an archaic subject quantifier which came to new life in Han times.


      17. Bì 畢 a subject quantifier which says that the predicate applies to all subjects.


      18. Jǔ 舉 is an adjectival quantifier of limited idiomatic use indicating that all the things in a certain area are referred to.


      19. Wú bù 無不 is a neutral subject and object quantifier.

      20. Mò bù 莫不 is a neutral subject quantifier.


      21. Sì hǎi 四海 sometimes refers generally to all inhabitants of the inhabited world, like tiān xià 天下, and these are marginal in this group.