Taxonomy of meanings for 冀:  

  • 冀 jì (OC: krɯls MC: kɯi) 几利切 去 廣韻:【同冀見經典省 】
  • 冀 jì (OC: krɯls MC: kɯi) 几利切 去 廣韻:【九州名爾雅曰兩河間曰冀州續漢書安平國故信都郡光武師薊南行太守任光開門出迎今州城是又姓左傳晉大夫冀芮几利切八 】
    • HOPE
      • nabpsychhope 無冀
      • viactnourish (typically vain or distant or unrealistic(HF)) hopes
      • vt+V[0]hope (often vainly, unrealistically) to; hope against hope to
      • vtoNpassivebe hoped for 可冀
      • vtoNPab{S}look forward to S; hope that
      • vtoShope (diffidently) that S (where S may have an implicit subject, but that subject is not the hoper)
      • vtoV[0]unrealistichope (unrealistically, in another world)CH
      • vtoNhave high hopes for; hope (often unrealistically) for; have any realistic hope forCH
      • vtoV[0]realistichope toCH
    • STATES
      • NPprState of Ji
      • REGIONS

        Additional information about 冀

        說文解字: 【冀】,北方州也。 〔小徐本無「州」。〕 从北、異聲。 【几利切】

        • HOPE

          1. The general word for a hope (rather than a wish) yuàn 願 (ant. kǒng 恐 "be very much afraid that"), but the word is rather formal and often tends to express a hope regarding what someone else (typically of higher status) might do. 2. Yù 欲 (ant. kǒng 恐? “be terrified by the thought of", is very commonly used as a general word for an emotionally intense hope that is currently entertained. (The cases where the word clearly invites translation as "hope" and cannot be rendered as "desire" or "wish" are in the hundreds.) 3. Jì 冀 (ant. jù 懼 "fear") typically refers to an unrealistic or distant precarious hope concerning one's own future or other person's future actions. 4. Wàng 望 "look forward to" refers to a hope regarding realistic external events, and not necessary actions by any person, and the word tends to refer to a more realistic concrete hope and expectation than the equally current yuàn 願.

          5. Qī 期 is a definitive realistic hope, often related to one's own future actions.

          6. Xìng 幸 "hope to be so lucky to find that" (ant. wèi 畏 "fear") is part of polite court speech and refers to a high hope presented as not strongly realistic.

          NB: Pàn 盼 is post-Han.

          Word relations
        • Assoc: (HOPE)望 / 望/HOPE Wàng 望 "look forward to" always refers to a hope regarding external events, and not necessary actions by any person, and moreover wàng 望 tends to refer to a more realistic concrete hope and expectation than yuàn 願.
        • Synon: (HOPE)望 / 望/HOPE Wàng 望 "look forward to" always refers to a hope regarding external events, and not necessary actions by any person, and moreover wàng 望 tends to refer to a more realistic concrete hope and expectation than yuàn 願.