Taxonomy of meanings for 行欲:  

    • VPiactengage in/act on desires > engage in sexual activities (can also refer to masturbation)
    • VPiactto engage in desires (sexual activities) > to masturbate 爾時有比丘從異方來,身生長大,自於後道行欲,行欲已,然後疑悔,具白世尊。佛告比丘: “ 汝不知佛制戒不得行婬耶? ”“ 世尊,我知制戒,謂為制他,不謂自己。 ” 佛言: “ 於自己行欲,亦犯波羅夷。 ”At that time there came a monk from a foreign region, whose penis had grown big, and after that he engaged with himself in desires (i.e. masturbated). After he finished masturbating, he regreted and told everything to the Buddha. Buddha told the monk: "Don't you know about the commandment not to engage in licentious (sexual) activities ?" "World-honoured One, I know the monastic rules (commandments), and I but they apply to others and not to oneself." The Buddha said: "Engaging with oneself in sexual activities (i.e. masturbating), is also a violation of the Perfections." (T.22/1425: 234á2)