Taxonomy of meanings for 黃檗:  

      • NPprHuángbò Xīyùn 黃檗希運 (d. 850), Chán monk and Línjì's 臨濟's most important teacher. There is one text attributed to this monk, the Huángbò shān Duànjì chánshī chuánxīn fǎyào 黃檗山斷際禪師傳心法要 (short: Chuánxīn fǎyào 傳心法要 'Dharma Essentials of the Transmission of the Mind', T.48/2012A:379-384; tr. in Demiéville 1970: 271-278; the record was supposedly compiled by the official Péixiū 裴休, 797-870); biographical information see in ZTJ juan 16, ed. Yanagida: 4.131,06; WU/GU: 363; FO: 817; JDCDL: 266ǎ