- VPadS1.postS2from then onthereafter, from then on, from that point onwards
- VPadS1.postS2logicand then by the logic of the situation, and so
- VPadS1.postS2after speechHaving said that... [a large number of items from TEMP must be moved here]
- VPadS1.postS2At that point, Whereupon; at that time; at this time
- VPadV{PRED}.postN{SUBJ}:postSN then V-ed
- VPadVunder such circumstances
- VPpostVat that moment
- VPadS1.postS2for this reason, and thus, and so
- VPadV{PRED}.postN{SUBJ}:postSN therefore VERBed
- VPadVabstractat this point (in a text, maybe construable as a "time")
- VPibe here
- VPpostadVin this place
- VPadSDuring that period, at that historical stageCH