Taxonomy of meanings for 譬若:  

    • VPtoS1.adS2if, for exampleCH
    • VPtoNmay be properly compared with
    • VPtoNPab{S}be comparable to the situation described in SCH
    • VPtoNPab{V}be like V-ingCH
    • VPtoN1.postN2{SUBJ}+V{PRED}N1 compared to subject of N2like N2CH
    • VPtt(oN1).+N2imperative/suggestivecompare the understood N1 to N2!CH
    • VPt+prep+NPab{V}be like V-ingCH
    • VPtoSSbe like the cases of the sentences SSCH
    • VPtoN.-然be like NCH
  • AS IF
    • VPtoNPab{V}be as if one were to (quite unrealistically)CH