Taxonomy of meanings for 自然:  

    • NP(post-N)the natural state of
    • NPsubjectNPab[adN] what is so of itself,what is so by itself
    • NPabactconduct that is so of itself; conduct according to nature
    • NPabfigurativenaturalism
    • NPabmetaphysicalthe natural course of things; what is naturally so
    • NPabstativebeing in a natural state; natural state
    • NPpost-Nthe natural tendencies of N; the natural properties of N
    • VPadNnatural
    • VPadSnaturally, all of itself S obtained
    • VPadVnaturally; all by itself, all of itself; unprovoked; effortlessly
    • VPadVV=negativenaturally
    • VPihappen automatically (Greek: automatos), be so of and by itself; be naturally oneself; be natural; come naturally
    • VPiactpractice naturalness
    • VPieventnaturally ensue; emerge naturally, happen naturally, unprovoked by human or superhuman action of any kind
    • VPpostadVnaturally
    • VPadSby coincidence
    • VPadVcoincidentally
    • VPibe coincidental