Taxonomy of meanings for 等輩:  

    • NPpostNand the others, etc. (could also be grouped under plural indicators ??) (early examples can be found in Tiānpǐn miàofǎ liánhuá jīng 添品妙法蓮華經 (tr. during the Sui) and the FOBEN XINGJI JING. In apposition to nouns and pronouns it indicates plural (earlier words indicating plural include shǔ 屬, cáo 曹, děng 等. Disyllabic words with similar meaning in sūtra literature are zhònglèi 眾類; zhòngbèi 眾輩, qúnbèi 群輩, chóulèi 儔類, bèilèi 輩類, túlèi 徒類, pǐnlèi 品類 (LIANG XIAOHONG 1991B: 123-125)
    • NPpostadNcomplex plural suffix following personal pronouns (typically used in sutra translations)