Taxonomy of meanings for 生死:  

    • NPabbuddhistBUDDH: the cycle of life of death, transmigration (other translations include lúnhuí 輪迴; the destinations of these transmigrations do not only include human life but also other forms of existence in the liùdào 六道 Six Destinations, such as God (deva), human being (manuṣya). demon or demigod (asura 阿修羅), animal (tiryagyoni 畜生), hungry ghost (preta, 餓鬼), or hell-dweller (naraka, 地獄; the destiny of a person is dependent on his deeds (karma, yè 業) in his previous lives) (ant. to 涅槃 nirvāṇa); skr. saṃsāra
    • NPadVbuddhistBUUDH: through the cycle of birth and death (> by worldly affaris)
  • LIVE
    • NPablife BUDDH: the cycle of life and death; SANSKRIT Saṃsāra
    • NPabbuddhistthe cycle of death and rebirth