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Taxonomy of meanings: Phonetic profile:

Zi:  詞典: 計 數  漢リポ: 計 數

  • 計數 (jì shǔ) CALCULATEWD
    • 1. The general word for the manipulation of numbers in arithmetic is suàn 算.

    • 2. The commonest general term for counting objects is jì 計.

    • 3. The current accountancy term is guì 會.

    • 4. The engineering, bureaucratic, and generally technical terms for quantified precise calculation of measurements of any kind are dù 度 and liáng 量.

    • 5. The typically demographic term is liào 料.

    • 6. Cè 測 tends to focus on the difficulty of access to what is measured, and the object of measurement tends to depth of something.

    • NPab act: (statistical) calculations (as part of a proper bureaucratic planning exercise)
    • N=object: calculations of N
    • VPi : excercise (statistical) calculations (as part of a proper bureaucratic planning exercise)
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