Taxonomy of meanings for 簪:  

  • 簪 zēn (OC: skrɯm MC: tʂɯim) 側吟切 平 廣韻:【説文曰首笄也側吟切四 】
  • 簪 zēn (OC: skrɯm MC: tʂɯim) 側吟切 平 廣韻:【同兂 】
  • 簪 zān (OC: skɯɯm MC: tsəm) 作含切 平 廣韻:【作含切又側岑切七 】

    Additional information about 簪

    說文解字: 【兂】,首筓也。从人、象簪形。 〔小徐本「人」作「儿」。〕 凡兂之屬皆从兂。 【側岑切】 【簪】,俗兂从竹、从朁。 〔小徐本「朁」上無「从」。〕


      1. Standard term for a hairpin which holds headgear or a hat is jī1 笄. The implement was used both by men and women, and could be made of bone, ivory, jade, since the Han also of silver and gold. Finds are known already from the Neolithic.

      2. Zān 簪 is a term for a hairpin which came to use during the Warring States period.