Taxonomy of meanings for 迅:  

  • 迅 xùn (OC: sɯns MC: sʷin) 私閏切 去 廣韻:【疾也又音信 】
    • QUICK
      • vadNvery fast; very abrupt; gushy (wind)
      • vadVabruptly
      • vibe extremely fast and strong (of winds or lightning); be quick to come
  • 迅 xìn (OC: sɯns MC: sin) 息晉切 去 廣韻:【疾也又私閏切 】

    Additional information about 迅

    說文解字: 【迅】,疾也。从辵、卂聲。 【息進切】

    • QUICK

      1. The most current general word for anything that moves at high speed is sù 速 (ant. chí 遲 "so slowly that one becomes late").

      2. Jí 疾 (ant. xú 徐 "slowly") typically refers to urgent speedy action of limited duration.

      3. Jí 亟 (ant huǎn 緩 "too slowly") refers to maximum speed possible under prevailing circumstances.

      4. Jíé 捷 adds to the notion of maximum speed the nuance of deftness and general skill.

      5. Piāo 飄 refers specifically to the speed of wind.

      6. Xùn 迅 emphasises high speed and abruptness and eruptive violence, often in natural processes.

      7. Bù rì 不日 without delay, in a short time, quickly.

      NB: Kuài 快 came to mean "quickly" soon after Han times.

      Word relations
    • Assoc: (QUICK)疾/QUICK Jí 疾 (ant. xú 徐 "slowly") typically refers to urgent speedy action of limited duration.
    • Assoc: (QUICK)疾/QUICK Jí 疾 (ant. xú 徐 "slowly") typically refers to urgent speedy action of limited duration.
    • Synon: (QUICK)疾/QUICK Jí 疾 (ant. xú 徐 "slowly") typically refers to urgent speedy action of limited duration.