Taxonomy of meanings for 罵:  

  • 罵 mà (OC: mraas MC: mɯa) 莫駕切 去 廣韻:【惡言 】
    • SCOLD
      • vtoNrare in pre-Buddhist texts: be abusive towards; HS 65: swear at (the emperor travelling incognito 微服)
      • vtoNpassiveget scolded; get sworn at
  • 罵 mǎ (OC: mraaʔ MC: mɯa) 莫下切 上 廣韻:【罵詈又莫霸切 】

    Additional information about 罵


    • SCOLD

      1. The current general word for scolding someone or swearing at someone is lì 詈 (ant. yú 諛 "speak to in an obsequious way").

      2. Mà 罵 (ant. chǎn 諂 "speak to in a flattering way") refers to venting one's anger with someone through language, but without necessarily being in the immediate physical vicinity of the object of one's abuse.

      3. Chì 叱 and the hē 呵 are colloquial words for swearing or venting one's anger to the face of the object of one's abuse.

      4. Dǐ 詆 (ant. sòng 頌 "sing the praises of") focusses not so much on the venting of anger but on the function of insulting and offending the person scolded.

      5. Gòu 詬 (ant. zàn 讚 "praise publicly") adds to the swearing and scolding strong overtones of public insult.