Taxonomy of meanings for 槐:  

  • 槐 huái (OC: ɡruul MC: ɦʷɯæi) 戶乖切 平 廣韻:【木名又音回 】
  • 槐 huí (OC: ɡuul MC: ɦuoi) 戶恢切 平 廣韻:【木名五經通義曰士之冢樹槐春秋説題辝曰槐木者虚星之精也又姓晉大夫富槐之後 】
  • chǔ huái wángRULERS OF CHU
    • NPprPersonal Name: Huái 槐 Chŭ Huái Wáng 楚懷王 (r. 328 - 299), son of King Wei of Chu 楚威王, launched a successful military campaign which gained him 8 municipal cities early on, in 323. In 311 he suffered an ignominious defeat at Danyang 丹陽 in which he is said to have lost as many as 70 armed men. In 308 King Zhao of Qin 秦昭王 (r. 306 – 251) exchanged crown princes as hostages with King Huai and as a symbolic gestures returned to Chu some territories previously annexed from Chu. In 303 he created an alliance with Qin involving the exchange of the crown princes as hostages and the return of certain lands that had been lost in the many previous wars. But three years later Qin combined forces with the northern states of Qi, Han and Wei 魏 to attack Chu, two of whose senior generals were killed in two successive campaigns. In 299, >King Zhao of Qin 秦昭王 invited King Huai to Qin to arrange an alliance by intermarriage between the two countries. King Huai feared a trap, the poet Qu Yuan is said to have advised against the arrangement, but in the end King Huai went to Qin. Once in Qin he had his return route cut off and died during his involuntary continued stay in Qin. [SJ 40.1720; ZGC passim] Unger no. 216
    • huáiTREE, KINDS
      • nscholar tree, sophora japonica

    Additional information about 槐

    說文解字: 【槐】,木也。从木、鬼聲。 【戶恢切】