Taxonomy of meanings for 桑:  

  • 桑 sāng (OC: saaŋ MC: sɑŋ) 息郎切 平 廣韻:【木名史記曰齊魯千𠭇桑麻其人與千戸侯等又姓秦大夫子桑之後漢有御史大夫桑弘羊息郎切六 】
    • PLANTS
      • nmulberry tree
      • part of>LEAF
        • related action: mulberry leaves>PLUCK
          • related action> breeding of>SILKWORM
        • sāngTREE, KINDS
          • nmulberry tree
          • nmadN(charcoal) of mulberry tree
          • viwork on the mulberry trees; join the work in the mulberry trees
          • vadNN=womanworking on the mulberry treesDS

        Additional information about 桑

        說文解字: 【桑】,蠶所食葉。从叒、木。 〔小徐本作「從木、叒聲。」〕 【息郎切】