Taxonomy of meanings for 朽:  

  • 朽 xiǔ (OC: qhluʔ MC: hiu) 許久切 上 廣韻:【同朽 】
  • 朽 xiǔ (OC: qhuʔ MC: hiu) 許久切 上 廣韻:【腐也許乆切四 】
    • ROTTEN
      • vadNwithered, gone all dry (as of bones)
      • vibe rotten; (of smells) be like that of rotten things
      • vichangerot away, enter decay
    • OLD
        • DEPICT
          • FRAGRANT
            • STINK

              Additional information about 朽

              說文解字: 【㱙】,腐也。从歺、丂聲。 【許久切】 【朽】,㱙或从木。

              • ROTTEN

                1. The current general word for rottenness is fǔ 腐 (ant. xiān 鮮 "still fresh").

                2. Xiǔ 朽 (ant. xīn 新 "fresh") typically refers to the rottenness of trees or bones.

                3. Mí 糜 (ant. jiān 堅 "firm and unrotten") and the Han words làn 爛 emphasise the unretrievable state of complete rottenness.

                4. Bài 敗 (ant. gù 固 "firm and unimpaired") focusses on radical or essential changes brought about by the rotting process.

                5. Něi 餒 (ant. xiān 鮮 "still very fresh") refers specifically to the rottenness of fish.

                Word relations
              • Epithet: (ROTTEN)木/TIMBER Mù 木 is frequently used adjectivally to designate something as made of timber.
              • Assoc: (ROTTEN)腐/ROTTEN The current general word for rottenness is fǔ 腐(ant. xiān 鮮 "still fresh").
              • Synon: (ROTTEN)敗/ROTTEN Bài 敗(ant. gù 固 "firm and unimpaired") focusses on radical or essential changes brought about by the rotting process.