Taxonomy of meanings for 掘:  

  • 掘 jué (OC: ɡlod MC: ɡʷiɐt) 其月切 入 廣韻:【穿也 】
    • DIG
      • vtoNdig out; dig the ground for (medicinal roots etc); dig (a pond etc)
      • vtoNobject=holedig (a hole, a well); dig out
      • vadNpassivedug out (as a hole in a wall to make a door)
      • vtoNobject=earthdig (the earth etc)
    • STUPID
      • viinept; insensitised?? (for 拙)
    • SCOLD
      • = 倔
      • = 兀
      • = 崛
      • = 拙
      • = 屈
    • 掘 jué (OC: ɡlud MC: ɡiut) 衢物切 入 廣韻:【掘地 】

      Additional information about 掘


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