Total: 162388 |
78 |
137 |
39610 |
KR1e0001 |
春秋左傳 |
21154 |
KR1d0052 |
禮記 |
14244 |
KR5c0126 |
Phonological Annotations莊子 |
10412 |
KR3j0023 |
白虎通 |
10176 |
KR1c0066 |
韓詩外傳 |
9614 |
CH1a0938 |
墨子 |
8626 |
CH1a0907 |
說苑 |
7871 |
KR2g0017 |
古列女傳 |
7229 |
KR1c0001 |
毛詩 |
5341 |
KR1b0001 |
尚書 |
4905 |
KR3j0010 |
John Major et al.淮南子 |
3930 |
KR3c0004 |
商君書 |
2676 |
CH2b1581 |
The Poetry of T'ao Ch'ien陶淵明集十一卷 |
2585 |
CH8x4309 |
算數書 |
2041 |
KR5e0001 |
Espesset (G.), "Prenatal Infancy Regained", in TRANSFORMING THE VOID, ed. Andreeva (A.) / Steavu (D.).太平經 |
1946 |
KR3j0193 |
忍經 |
1224 |
KR5c0057 |
Lao Tzu老子 |
1127 |
CH2b1575 |
陸機集十一卷 |
1073 |
CH1a0940 |
PhD SOAS undated尹文子 |
959 |
CH1c0898 |
The Travels of Emperor Mu穆天子傳 |
729 |
KR5c0139 |
南華真經註疏 |
450 |
KR1h0001 |
孟子 |
446 |
KR2o0001 |
史通 |
436 |
KR6q0092 |
Yongming Yanshou's Conception of Chan |
352 |
KR3l0099 |
tr. DeWoskin and Crump, In Search of the Supernatural. The Written Record搜神記 |
283 |
KR3l0129 |
笑林 |
273 |
KR3f0032 |
Shen Kangshen 九章算術注 |
232 |
CH1a0903 |
新語 |
226 |
KR2e0003 |
戰國策 |
218 |
CH1a0941 |
公孫龍子 |
169 |
KR1a0001 |
周易 |
152 |
KR6q0003 |
景德傳燈錄 |
145 |
KR2a0001 |
"Dominance and gender in the biography of Master Sun", in LIVES 史記 |
139 |
CH1c0887 |
逸周書 |
121 |
KR4h0001 |
Readings文選 |
113 |
KR2a0007 |
"Sketching out Portents Classification and Logic in the
Monographs of Han Official Historiography"漢書 |
96 |
CH2a1468 |
人物志三卷 |
88 |
KR2p0093 |
楚竹書・耆夜(en) |
78 |
KR2p0094 |
楚竹書・金縢(en) |
78 |
CH1a0936 |
Miscellaneous Records of the Western Capital西京雜記 |
72 |
CH1a0930 |
鬼谷子 |
71 |
KR2p0091 |
楚竹書・程寤(en) |
68 |
KR6v0299 |
入唐求法巡禮行記 |
59 |
CH2b1912 |
全上古三代秦漢三國六朝文(全三國文) |
55 |
CH1d0955 |
Shanghan lun On cold damage傷寒論 |
51 |
KR2p0092 |
楚竹書・保訓(en) |
50 |
45 |
KR2p0089 |
楚竹書・尹至(en) |
37 |
CH1a0902 |
孔叢子 |
35 |
CH1e0879 |
春秋繁露 |
26 |
CH1d0954 |
The essentials of the Golden Cabinet金匱要略 |
24 |
CH1e0873 |
Steele儀禮 |
22 |
KR2p0090 |
楚竹書・尹誥(en) |
22 |
CH2c1228 |
後漢書九十卷附續漢志三十卷 |
21 |
KR3e0001 |
Huang Di neijing黃帝內經 |
18 |
CH1a0924 |
The Book of Lord Shang: Apologetics of State Power in Early China商君書 |
18 |
CH1a0910 |
Hsun Yueh and the Mind of Late Han China申鑒 |
18 |
CH1e0877 |
Draft translations春秋公羊傳 |
16 |
CH1a0928 |
慎子 |
16 |
KR3l0090 |
山海經 |
12 |
CH1a0904 |
新書 |
12 |
KR1d0001 |
周禮 |
11 |
KR1j0018 |
說文解字 |
10 |
KR3j0009 |
呂氏春秋 |
9 |
KR4a0001 |
楚辭 |
8 |
CH2b1596 |
On the immortality of the spirit (Manuscript given to C.Harbsmeier)沈約集九卷 |
4 |
KR3j0192 |
新論-漢-桓譚 |
4 |
CH7x2023 |
小學紺珠 |
1 |
CH1b0943 |
全上古三代秦漢三國六朝文 |
1 |
CH7x2045 |
太平廣記 |
1 |
CH8x3502 |
孫臏兵法 |
1 |
CH8x3505 |
六韜 |
1 |
KR3l0002 |
劉義慶世說新語 |
1 |
CH8x4426 |
語叢三 |
1 |
CH7x2024 |
太平御覽 |
0 |
KR3j0006 |
Héguanzî, the Dao of Unity鶡冠子 |
- Translation of 鶡冠子 into (English) // by Marnix Wells (0 lines)
0 |
CH8x3004 |
老子甲本 |
- Translation of 老子甲本 into (English) // by (0 lines)
0 |
KR3j0080 |
論衡 |
- Comments to 論衡 // by (0 lines)