Lines TextID Text Translations
Total: 162388 78 137
39610 KR1e0001 春秋左傳
21154 KR1d0052 禮記
14244 KR5c0126 Phonological Annotations莊子
10412 KR3j0023 白虎通
10176 KR1c0066 韓詩外傳
9614 CH1a0938 墨子
8626 CH1a0907 說苑
7871 KR2g0017 古列女傳
7229 KR1c0001 毛詩
5341 KR1b0001 尚書
4905 KR3j0010 John Major et al.淮南子
3930 KR3c0004 商君書
2676 CH2b1581 The Poetry of T'ao Ch'ien陶淵明集十一卷
2585 CH8x4309 算數書
2041 KR5e0001 Espesset (G.), "Prenatal Infancy Regained", in TRANSFORMING THE VOID, ed. Andreeva (A.) / Steavu (D.).太平經
1946 KR3j0193 忍經
1224 KR5c0057 Lao Tzu老子
1127 CH2b1575 陸機集十一卷
1073 CH1a0940 PhD SOAS undated尹文子
959 CH1c0898 The Travels of Emperor Mu穆天子傳
729 KR5c0139 南華真經註疏
450 KR1h0001 孟子
446 KR2o0001 史通
436 KR6q0092 Yongming Yanshou's Conception of Chan
352 KR3l0099 tr. DeWoskin and Crump, In Search of the Supernatural. The Written Record搜神記
283 KR3l0129 笑林
273 KR3f0032 Shen Kangshen 九章算術注
232 CH1a0903 新語
226 KR2e0003 戰國策
218 CH1a0941 公孫龍子
169 KR1a0001 周易
152 KR6q0003 景德傳燈錄
145 KR2a0001 "Dominance and gender in the biography of Master Sun", in LIVES 史記
139 CH1c0887 逸周書
121 KR4h0001 Readings文選
113 KR2a0007 "Sketching out Portents Classification and Logic in the 
Monographs of Han Official Historiography"漢書
96 CH2a1468 人物志三卷
88 KR2p0093 楚竹書・耆夜(en)
78 KR2p0094 楚竹書・金縢(en)
78 CH1a0936 Miscellaneous Records of the Western Capital西京雜記
72 CH1a0930 鬼谷子
71 KR2p0091 楚竹書・程寤(en)
68 KR6v0299 入唐求法巡禮行記
59 CH2b1912 全上古三代秦漢三國六朝文(全三國文)
55 CH1d0955 Shanghan lun On cold damage傷寒論
51 KR2p0092 楚竹書・保訓(en)
45 KR2p0089 楚竹書・尹至(en)
37 CH1a0902 孔叢子
35 CH1e0879 春秋繁露
26 CH1d0954 The essentials of the Golden Cabinet金匱要略
24 CH1e0873 Steele儀禮
22 KR2p0090 楚竹書・尹誥(en)
22 CH2c1228 後漢書九十卷附續漢志三十卷
21 KR3e0001 Huang Di neijing黃帝內經
18 CH1a0924 The Book of Lord Shang: Apologetics of State Power in Early China商君書
18 CH1a0910 Hsun Yueh and the Mind of Late Han China申鑒
18 CH1e0877 Draft translations春秋公羊傳
16 CH1a0928 慎子
16 KR3l0090 山海經
12 CH1a0904 新書
12 KR1d0001 周禮
11 KR1j0018 說文解字
10 KR3j0009 呂氏春秋
9 KR4a0001 楚辭
8 CH2b1596 On the immortality of the spirit (Manuscript given to C.Harbsmeier)沈約集九卷
4 KR3j0192 新論-漢-桓譚
4 CH7x2023 小學紺珠
1 CH1b0943 全上古三代秦漢三國六朝文
1 CH7x2045 太平廣記
1 CH8x3502 孫臏兵法
1 CH8x3505 六韜
1 KR3l0002 劉義慶世說新語
1 CH8x4426 語叢三
1 CH7x2024 太平御覽
0 KR3j0006 Héguanzî, the Dao of Unity鶡冠子
  • Translation of 鶡冠子 into (English) // by Marnix Wells (0 lines)
0 CH8x3004 老子甲本
  • Translation of 老子甲本 into (English) // by (0 lines)
0 KR3j0080 論衡
  • Comments to 論衡 // by (0 lines)