RHETORICAL TROPE which consists in remarks not mainly concerned with the world but about language itself or about one's present or forthcoming message and its place in the world.

  • RHETORICAL TROPE體裁詞格 RHETORICAL DEVICE mainly concerned with the structural semantics of expressions.
  • DEFINITIOMETALINGUISTIC REMARK explaining the meaning of an expression.
    • DIFFERENTIA DEFINITIO delimiting the nuances of an expression as compared to other expressions. 辨詞義法 The explicit focussing on differences in semantic nuances between semantically related words (sometimes called parasynonyms in the modern literature).
      • STIPULATIO DEFINITIO which explains how a word is to be used in future towards a given intended audience and in a given context. A statement of definition which is declared to be true by virtue of being made. This is a kind of DEFINITIO.
      • ALLUSIONIntertextual METALINGUISTIC COMMENT in the form of referrring indirectly to another text. Allusion, veiled reference to a text presupposed to be known to the intended readership.This must be distinguished from QUOTATION-UNMARKED which involves not veiled reference but direct unacknowledged citation..
        • QUOTATIONIntertextual METALINGUISTIC COMMENT introducing direct discourse.
          • COMMENTATIO 引用加評注法 Quoting a passage or having a passage quoted to one and then commenting on it. Greek: epikrisis
            • QUOTATION WITHIN QUOTATION QUOTATION within a quotation.
              • APOPHTHEGM QUOTATION of a famous short dictum by a famous person on a given occasion.
                • QUOTATION-EXPLICIT 引用法 The explicit QUOTATION or mentioning rather than using of a word or an expression.
                • QUOTATION-FICTITIOUS 假裝引用法 Fictitious QUOTATION.
                • QUOTATION-OF-ONESELF 引用自己法 Quoting oneself.
                  • QUOTATION-PROVERB-EXPLICIT 諺語法 Explicit quotation of proverbial expressions.
                    • QUOTATION-PROVERB-UNMARKED 隱諺語法 Quotation of a proverb without any explicit characterisation of what is quoted as a proverb.
                      • QUOTATION-UNMARKED 無記號引用法 Quotation of a text or of direct speech that is not marked out explicitly as a quotation. This close to allusion, but it is not the same thing. The difference being that quotation suggests a degree of verbal fidelity with what is quoted, whereas ALLUSIO is only reminiscent or suggestive of the content of a source that is referred to.
                        • QUOTATION-WITHIN-QUOTATION 引用語中引用語 Within direct speech, the quotation of direct speech.
                        • CORRECTIOMETALINGUISTIC REMARK designed to correct what one has just said or written before.
                        • DISCONTINUATIOMETALINGUISTIC COMMENT or editorial remark in which the speaker declares that a subject has received enough of his discursive attention. 說夠法 Refers more specifically to the announcement by an author that his current subject has received enough attention.
                          • EPEXEGESISMETALINGUISTIC REMARK in the form of a modifying expression which is intended to explicitly explain the content or meaning of the term modified. Juxtaposition of two coordinate nouns, the second further explaining the first.
                            • INSINUATIOMETALINGUISTIC COMMENT in the form of a in introduction to one's theme which takes as a point of departure what the speaker presumes preoccupies his intended audience. 順耳間接介紹法 Subtle approach to the opening of a speech which only indirectly leads to the subject.
                              • METALINGUISTIC COMMENT-TERMINOLOGYMETALINGUISTIC COMMENT concerning the use of technical terminology rather than common usage.
                                • ORATIO OBLIQUAMETALINGUISTIC REMARK in the form of reporting the content of speech (rather than quoting it directly). Indirect speech.
                                  • RECAPITULATIOMETALINGUISTIC COMMENT in which one recapulates what has been said. Recapitulation of main content at the end of a discussion.Almost bligatory in the parables collected in BAIYU.
                                    • REDITUS AD PROPOSITUMMETALINGUISTIC COMMENT in the form of an editorial remark in which one declares one's intention to revert to one's main line of discourse.
                                      • RESTRICTIOMETALINGUISTIC COMMENT limiting the applicability of a general statement one has just made. Restriction, a figure whereby after making a gerneral statement one excepts a part or delimits a generalisation.
                                        • SUBNEXIOMETALINGUISTIC COMMENT in which one appends a reflection to a finished piece of discourse. Afterthought. Afterthought appended to the main thought as a further reflection on it.
                                          • TRANSITIOMETALINGUISTIC COMMENT in the form of an editorial remark leading from one subject one is treating to the other. Explicit passage from one subject or part of one's speech to another. Often called METABASIS. Contrast DISCONTINUATIO which refers more specifically to the announcement by an author that his current subject has received enough attention.
                                            • ACCLAMATIO插入總結感嘆法 METALINGUISTIC COMMENT in the form of a summary emphatic evocation of the overall significance or import of one's narrative or argument. Greek: Epiphonema. The almost parenthetic literary pose in which an author steps back from writing his work to take an overall perspective on what he is doing in his work as a whole is of immense importance in intellectual history. In Plato one has to go to his letters for this perspective, but in Aristotle one begins to have incidental almost parenthetic asides on what his whole work in on about.
                                              • AETIOLOGIA後補自釋法 METALINGUISTIC COMMENT in the form of the giving of reasons for a sentence already uttered, usually involves the giving of reasons immediately after a statement.
                                                • DISTINCTIOMETALINGUISTIC COMMENT in the form of explicit reference to various meanings of a word, thereby removing ambiguities.
                                                  • EDITORIAL REMARK編輯說明 METALINGUISTIC COMMENT: Metatextual remark explaining the composition of the text one is currently composing.
                                                    • PARODY諷刺滑稽模仿法 Jocular teasing imitation of another work.
                                                        Rhetorical device locations: 1