RESUMPTIO repeated and referring to an earlier list.


  • RESUMPTIOREPETITIO of an expression from an earlier context in order to resume a discussion. 繼承重複法 Resuming a phrase that has been focussed before.
    • REPETITIORHETORICAL FIGURE in which one and the same lexical, phonological, syntactic, or semantic element is repeated for rhetorical effect./...x...x.../: non-adjacent repetition of the same word, contrast morphological reduplication.
      • RHETORICAL FIGURE形式詞格 RHETORICAL DEVICE which mainly consists in the distribution of expressions in a passage.
    Rhetorical device locations: 2
    • 道德經 今舍慈且勇, 舍其儉且廣 舍其後且先 則必死矣 夫慈以戰則勝 以守則固 天將救之 以慈衛之
    • 論語 好仁者, 無以尚之 惡不仁者 其為仁矣 不使不仁者加乎其身