IRONIA in which the male or female speaker only playfully pretends that he or she literally means what he or she is saying. [This definition being a marginal example of that form.]

  • IRONIAHISTRIONIC way of expressing something by playfully creating an appearance of claiming its opposite, typically assuming one's playfulness to be understood by the intended audience. The use of words to express something diametrically different from their meaning, or in a histrionically mediated sense. test
    • HISTRIONICSRHETORICAL TROPE which crucially involves playful dissimulation of one's real meaning.
      • RHETORICAL TROPE體裁詞格 RHETORICAL DEVICE mainly concerned with the structural semantics of expressions.
    Rhetorical device locations: 2
    • 論語 『吾不試, 故藝

      Confucius is, of course quite serious about the arts. But in this playfully humble piece of ironical discourse he exaggerates the secondariness of yi4 藝 .

    • 論語 子曰: 予欲無言 子貢曰 子如不言 則小子何述焉 子曰 天何言哉 四時行焉 百物生焉 天何言哉