專門仔細寫人物法 'Complete' personal description of the appearance of a person, top to toe.


  • EKPHRASISDIGRESSIO in which one enters into a disproportionately detailed description of a subject matter. 詳細描寫法 Elaborate digressive description inserted into a passage.
    • DIGRESSIOSPEECH ACT of digressing from one's main topic or narrative line of discourse. 節外生枝法 Explicit or implicit digression.
      • SPEECH ACTRHETORICAL TROPE in the form of a deliberate rhetorico-semantic act performed. [This definition is still a tentative stop-gap, and this category is far larger than I would like. It needs to be intelligently subdivided. CH]
        • RHETORICAL TROPE體裁詞格 RHETORICAL DEVICE mainly concerned with the structural semantics of expressions.

Compare EKPHRASIS which is typically of works of art.

REF: Lanham. Not in Lausberg or in Miriam.

EX: My Lady's hair is threads of beaten gold,

Her front the purest Chrystal eye hath seen:

Her eyes the brightest stars the heavens hold,

Her cheeks red roses such as seld have been:

Her pretty lips of red vermillion dye,

Her hands of ivory the purest white:

Her blush Aurora, or the morning sky,

Her breast displays two silver fountains bright,

The Spheres her voice, her grace the Graces three,

Her body is the Saint that I adore,

Her smiles and favors sweet as honey be,

Her feet fair Thetis praiseth evermore.

But ah the worst and last is yet behind,

For of a Gryphon she doth bear the mind.

(Bartholomew Griffin, Fidessa, 39)

Greek/Latin: Suetonius on Augustus, 79.2 gives a splendid detailed description and is not atypical of Latin practice. We are told in detail about his body care, lack of attention to his hair-style, and shaving his beard, (he was always reading while he was being shaved), facial expression, his eyes, his eyesight, his teeth, his hair, his eyebrows, his hearing, his nose, the pigmentation of his skin, his height (1.58 meters), proportianality of limbs, impurities of the skin (forming a pattern of the Great Bear formation in the sky) and hardened patches on the skin, problems with left leg, index finger on the right hand had symptoms of weakened sensitivity, problems of the bladder.

Ancient Chinese: Would be surprised to find such a description, and would certainly notice it if I saw one. Notable is Ya4nzI1chu1nqiu1 22: "Tang has white skin, is tall and bearded. His face is smaller above than below. His back is slightly arched. He has a high-pitched voice....

Yiyin is dark-skinned and not tall. He has dishevelled hair and is also bearded. His face is broader on top and less broad below. He has an arched back and a low voice." There are relatively few descriptions even with this sort of limited detail in early literature.

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