RHETORICAL STYLE in which the constituents of a sentence or paragraph have decreasing weight.

趨下法 The arranging of elements in an order of decreasing weight or length.

Also known as ANTICLIMAX.

  • RHETORICAL STYLE體裁詞格 RHETORICAL DEVICE which is mainly concerned with matters of style of presentation rather than distribution of expressions or semantic structure.
Rare both in Greek/Latin and in Chinese. Not in Lausberg. Lanham. Renaissance term See Miriam 152 on catacosmesis.

EX: Lanman: Some see an unwitting instance in the Yale University motto: "For God, for Country, and for Yale."

Greek/Latin: The term is not classical, and the phenomenon is so rare that one is not sure whether it is ever deliberate.

Ancient Chinese: The figure is uncommon. I can certainly think of no example where this form is employed deliberately.

LY: There are many more examples than have been recorded so far.

    Rhetorical device locations: 1
    • 論語 君賜食, 必正席先嘗之 君賜腥 必熟而薦之 君賜生 必畜之