DEFINITIO delimiting the nuances of an expression as compared to other expressions.

辨詞義法 The explicit focussing on differences in semantic nuances between semantically related words (sometimes called parasynonyms in the modern literature).

  • DEFINITIOMETALINGUISTIC REMARK explaining the meaning of an expression.
    • METALINGUISTIC COMMENTRHETORICAL TROPE which consists in remarks not mainly concerned with the world but about language itself or about one's present or forthcoming message and its place in the world.
      • RHETORICAL TROPE體裁詞格 RHETORICAL DEVICE mainly concerned with the structural semantics of expressions.
The origin of this metalinguistic focus on meaning contrast is traditionally ascribed to the pre-Socratic philosopher Prodikos.

Ancient China: Mohist logic as well as the DAOSHU chapter of the XINSHU (see Svarverud)

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