CLIMAX  帶有重複的漸強法

CRESCENDO of the form /...x/ x...y/ y...z/ where x,y and z are on a rising scale of stylistic weight.

連續末、端同字增益法 /...x/ x...y/ y...z/ where x,y and z are on a rising scale of stylistic weight.

Compare SORITES.

  • CRESCENDORHETORICAL STYLE in which the constituents of a clause, sentence, or paragraph have progressively increasing weight so that the last member in particular is the intended as the most important.
    • RHETORICAL STYLE體裁詞格 RHETORICAL DEVICE which is mainly concerned with matters of style of presentation rather than distribution of expressions or semantic structure.
  • SORITESCLIMAX where the members are conditional clauses: if x then y; if y then z; ... ... An ANADIPLOSIS-MULTIPLE or CLIMAX consisting of a series of conditionals in which the apodosis of the preceding conditional regularly is repeated as the protasis of the succeeding conditional.
Miriam 83 "Climax is a continued anadiplosis, inasmuch as it carries the same kind of repitition through three or more clauses. Shakespeare uses it in one instance to convey the impression of a mighty sweep of sound.

And let the kettle to the trumpet speak,

The trumpet to the cannoneer without,

The cannons to the heavens, the heaven to earth. Hamlet 5.2.286"

REF: Lausberg 623f

Greek/Latin: A current routine in Latin rhetorical practice and theory. Remember Quintilian: caveatur ne descrescat oratio. Her. 4.25.34 gradatio est, in qua non ante ad consequens verbum descenditur, quam ad superius ascensum est. Quint 9.3.54 gradatio, quae dicitur kli'max, apertiorem habet artem et affectatam, ideoque esse rarior debet.

Ancient Chinese: Common, often discussed under the misleading heading of sorites, which is really a logical and not a rhetorical form involving epiploke combined with a series of implications, and often climax at the same time.

君子易知而難狎,易懼而難脅, . 畏患而不避義死, . 欲利而不為所非, . 交親而不比, . 言辯而不辭, . 蕩蕩乎其有以殊於世也。 .

無威則驕, . 驕則亂生, . 亂生必滅。

NB: Compare CLIMAX.

Rhetorical device locations: 3
  • 韓非子 道有積而積有功; 德者 道之功 功有實而實有光 仁者 德之光 光有澤而澤有事 義者 仁之事也
  • 山海經 渴,欲得飲,
  • 論語 擇可勞而勞之, 又誰怨 欲仁而得仁 又焉貪

    The last member of these parallel phrases is ultimately the point of the whole.