
  • EPIPHORA-SENTENTIAL同末法﹣句子 EPIPHORA where the repeated element in a larger unit is a whole sentence.
    • EPIPHORAREPETITIO of the same word at the end of consecutive lines/cola. 同末法 /...x/...x/ Successive cola ending in the same word or expression.
      • REPETITIORHETORICAL FIGURE in which one and the same lexical, phonological, syntactic, or semantic element is repeated for rhetorical effect./...x...x.../: non-adjacent repetition of the same word, contrast morphological reduplication.
        • RHETORICAL FIGURE形式詞格 RHETORICAL DEVICE which mainly consists in the distribution of expressions in a passage.
    Rhetorical device locations: 5
    • 道德經 故貴以身為天下, 若可寄天下 愛以身為天下 若可託天下
    • 論語 曰:

      曰:「仁矣乎?」曰:「未知;焉得仁?」 See below.

    • 論語 曰:

      曰:「仁矣乎?」曰:「未知;焉得仁?」 Earlier parts of the dialogue end with the same sequence.

    • 論語 左丘明恥之, 丘亦恥之 匿怨而友其人 左丘明恥之 丘亦恥之
    • 論語 不食。 色惡 不食 臭惡 不食 失飪 不食 不時 不食 割不正 不食 不得其醬 不食