後省略法 Ellipsis of a word which reoccurs later within the same clause, sentence, or sometimes even wider context.

This is so common that one need not go on registering it.

  • ELLIPSIS省略法 RHETORICAL FIGURE of omitting an expression which is to be understood from context.Leaving out of words or phrases which have to be understood in order to understand what is said. Compare ZEUGMA, which is ELLIPSIS of a word that "re"curs in context.
    • RHETORICAL FIGURE形式詞格 RHETORICAL DEVICE which mainly consists in the distribution of expressions in a passage.
  • ZEUGMAWORD-PLAY in the form of conjoining nouns that do not semantically belong together in one and the same construction. Omission of a word which is present in the same sentence, this omission usually involving PARALLELISM.NOTE: the term is also used as a general term for HYPOZEUGMA, MESOZEUGMA, PROZEUGMA, for which see the bibliography indicated here. [Add biblio the the ZEUGMA here intended! See Lausberg CH]See also PROZEUGMA, HYPOZEUGMA, MESOZEUGMA.
    • WORD-PLAYSPEECH ACT which does not only use words but plays with their form and content.WORD-PLAY
      • SPEECH ACTRHETORICAL TROPE in the form of a deliberate rhetorico-semantic act performed. [This definition is still a tentative stop-gap, and this category is far larger than I would like. It needs to be intelligently subdivided. CH]
        • RHETORICAL TROPE體裁詞格 RHETORICAL DEVICE mainly concerned with the structural semantics of expressions.
Miriam 296 "Zeugma is the use of a word, usually a verb, to serve two or more others. If the verb is expressed in the first clause and undertstood in the others, the firgure is called prozeugma

Her beautie pierst mine eye, her speach mine wofull hart:

Her presence all the powers of my discourse.

If it is expressed in the middle clause it is called mesozeugma; if in the last clause hypozeugma."

    Rhetorical device locations: 11
    • 郭店14.六德 (茍不) 由其道,
    • 韓非子 今人主非使賞罰之威利出於己也, 聽其臣而行其賞罰 則一國之人皆畏其臣而易其君 歸其臣而去其君矣


    • 韓非子 故田常上請爵祿 而行之群臣 下大斗斛 而施於百姓


    • 韓非子 覺寢而說, 問左右曰
    • 韓非子 臣不得越官而有功, 不得陳言而不當 越官則死 不當則罪
    • 韓非子 任賢, 則臣將乘於賢以劫其君 妄舉
    • 論語 「弟子, 入則孝 出則悌 謹而信 汎愛眾而親人 行有餘力 則以學文


    • 論語 「君子食無求飽, 居無求安 敏於事而慎於言 就有道而正焉
    • 論語 民免而無恥; 道之以德 齊之以禮 有恥且格

      Interesting case of staggered ZEUGMA.

    • 論語 「吾十有五而志于學, 三十而立 四十而不惑 五十而知天命 六十而耳順 七十而從心所欲
    • 論語 君子無終食之間違仁, 造次必於是 顛沛必於是
