ANTHIMERIA with regard to a single word.

Use of a word or phrase in an ad-hoc derived grammatical funtion which it does not usually have.

NB: I am still looking for a useful replacement for the dysfunctional traditional name for this rhetorical device.

  • ANTHIMERIAANOMIA in the form of the use of an expression in a syntactic/semantic function strikingly different from the current one.
    • ANOMIARHETORICAL STYLE of breaking norms, conventions or regular patterns of a language.
      • RHETORICAL STYLE體裁詞格 RHETORICAL DEVICE which is mainly concerned with matters of style of presentation rather than distribution of expressions or semantic structure.
    Rhetorical device locations: 39
    • 百喻經 “佛泥洹未?”

      泥洹 used verbally at least three times.

    • 百喻經

    • 郭店語叢 亡物不物,


    • 韓非子 世有三亡,

      亡 used in a highly unusual abstract meaning.

    • 韓非子 收韓而成從,

      從: nominalised. Should this count as ANTHIMERIA? Probably not. But we leave it for consideration in the context of methodological discussions on this difficult category.

    • 韓非子 故士民不能死也。

      死 used to mean "risk death.

    • 韓非子 皆用其能,
    • 韓非子 所以貌情也,

    • 韓非子 故神之為上禮。

    • 道德經 道可道,

      道 in 可道 is used in a derived verbal function, a 活用 .

    • 道德經

      妙 , usually verbal, is extraordinarily used as a noun.

    • 道德經 故有無相生,

    • 道德經 故有無相生,

    • 道德經 以御今之有。

    • 道德經 強字之曰道。

    • 道德經 是謂不道,

    • 道德經 不道早已。

    • 論語 主忠信。

      The derived transitive use of 主 is morphologically unmarked. If it were marked, of course, we would have no ANTHIMERIA. The borderline between ANTHIMERIA on the one hand and the ordinary employment of a somewhat rare morphologically unmarked derived meaning of a word is systematically unclear. One may simply take ad hoc rhetorical ANTHIMERIA to be one of the sources for the derivation of new lexeme entries.

    • 論語 亦可宗也。」

      宗 . It is rhetorically significant that the speech ends on this enigmatic note.

    • 論語 「君子不器。」

    • 論語 弋不射宿。

      弋 . This does not constitute a literary device.

    • 論語 人潔己以進,

    • 論語 故藝。』」

    • 論語 寢不尸,

    • 論語 居不客。

    • 論語 「君子質而已矣,

    • 論語 「君君,

    • 論語 臣臣,

    • 論語 父父,

    • 論語 子子。」

    • 論語 信如君不君,

    • 論語 臣不臣,

    • 論語 父不父,

    • 論語 子不子,

    • 論語 冉有僕。

    • 論語 「邦有道穀,

    • 詩經 琴瑟友之。
    • 詩經 其鳴喈喈。

    • 莊子 而況其凡乎!