METONYMY where a word is used in a meaning which it does not have in order to express a meaning for which there is no appropriate word.

  • METONYMYRhRHETORICAL TROPE in the form of the use of an expression in a meaning which it literally does not have but which is clearly related to the basic meaning of that expression.Substitution of a semantically clearly related but literally inappropriate word for another literally appropriate word. The contrast is between METONYMY where there is a variously defined but semantically clear relation of the extended use to the primary use of a word, METAPHORA, in which there is only poetic suggestiveness and no clear and explicit, semantic link, and finallly SYNECDOCHE, in which the relation is one of taxonymy or of mereonymy (part-whole relationship).
    • RHETORICAL TROPE體裁詞格 RHETORICAL DEVICE mainly concerned with the structural semantics of expressions.
Rhetorical device locations: 1
  • 說苑 16.105富在知足,

    catachresis as the source of lexicalised metaphoric meaning. The abstract context precludes the use of basic physical terminology, and such terminology is developed by a variety of processes of analogy.