OXYMORON  內在矛盾修飾法

CONTRADICTIO in which a noun is modified by an adjective that is inconsistent with the semantic content of the noun, that complex expression being used to make a subtle abstract observation.

Contradiction in terms, typically a nominal expression, but compare also festina lente "hurry slow".

See also PARADOXON which refers to propositions rather than terms.

  • CONTRADICTIOHISTRIONIC rhetorical device in which the author claims the opposite of what he has just said. 自我矛盾法 Demonstrative advocacy of apparently contradictory views.
    • HISTRIONICSRHETORICAL TROPE which crucially involves playful dissimulation of one's real meaning.
      • RHETORICAL TROPE體裁詞格 RHETORICAL DEVICE mainly concerned with the structural semantics of expressions.
REF: Lausberg 807; and the thesis by WIM DE REU

EX: According to Edward Seidensticker's deliberately outrageous drunken dictum, two examples are: Japanese thought, Chinese music.

Greek/Latin: Current.

Ancient Chinese: Uncommon, except in certain Taoists texts like the Zhuāngzǐ.

Rhetorical device locations: 14