反詰結論法 Conclusion of a passage in the form of a rhetorical question.

  • QUAESTIO-RHETORICAQUAESTIO which in fact emphatically affirms its assumed answer. Rhetorical question which is neither concluding nor initial.Traditionally: EROTEMA.
    • QUAESTIOADDRESS in the form of an open question.The posing of open questions without providing or expecting an answer. Compare APORIA, DUBITATIO, HAESITATIO.
      • ADDRESSSPEECH ACT of explicitly addressing an audience.
        • SPEECH ACTRHETORICAL TROPE in the form of a deliberate rhetorico-semantic act performed. [This definition is still a tentative stop-gap, and this category is far larger than I would like. It needs to be intelligently subdivided. CH]
          • RHETORICAL TROPE體裁詞格 RHETORICAL DEVICE mainly concerned with the structural semantics of expressions.
    • AFFIRMATIOSPEECH ACT of not only mentioning but affirming a sentence, i.e. making a statement which involves a truth-claim.   
      • SPEECH ACTRHETORICAL TROPE in the form of a deliberate rhetorico-semantic act performed. [This definition is still a tentative stop-gap, and this category is far larger than I would like. It needs to be intelligently subdivided. CH]
        • RHETORICAL TROPE體裁詞格 RHETORICAL DEVICE mainly concerned with the structural semantics of expressions.
Miriam 246 "By erotema, or rhetorical question, one may affirm or deny an assertion as clearly as by mere statement, and in a more lively and stirring manner combining emotion with thought." See INTERROGATIO

REF: Lausberg 379

Greek/Latin: Quint. 9.2.7f

Ancient Chinese: Quite common, and grammatically/lexically institutionalised. See the semantic category RHET for details.

Rhetorical device locations: 63
  • 韓非子 “孰知其極?”
  • 韓非子 其可得乎?


  • 道德經 非以其無私邪!

    If this really is a rhetorical question it is very unusual in structure.

  • 道德經 吾有何患?

    吾有何患 ?

  • 道德經 此非以賤為本邪? 非乎

    Alternative rhetorical question!

  • 論語 不亦說乎?

    不亦 x 乎

  • 論語 不亦樂乎?

    不亦 x 乎

  • 論語 不亦君子乎?」

    不亦 x 乎

  • 論語 其諸異乎人之求之與?」
  • 論語 何以別乎。」
  • 論語 曾是以為孝乎?」
  • 論語 人焉廋哉?」
  • 論語 人焉廋哉?
  • 論語 其何以行之哉?」
  • 論語 焉用佞?」
  • 論語 焉得仁!」
  • 論語 焉得仁?」
  • 論語 於從政乎何有?」
  • 論語 於從政乎何有?」
  • 論語 於從政乎何有?」
  • 論語 「默而識之, 學而不厭 誨人不倦
  • 論語 又何怨?」
  • 論語 桓魋其如予何?」
  • 論語 唯何甚?
  • 論語 君子亦黨乎?

    Marginal case of conclusion, since he continues.

  • 論語 不亦重乎?
  • 論語 不亦遠乎?」
  • 論語 文不在茲乎?
  • 論語 匡人其如予何?」
  • 論語 何其多能也?」
  • 論語 吾誰欺?
  • 論語 欺天乎?
  • 論語 予死於道路乎?」
  • 論語 何有於我哉?」
  • 論語 何足以臧?」
  • 論語 夫何遠之有?」
  • 論語 非夫人之為慟而誰為?」
  • 論語 焉能事鬼?」
  • 論語 焉知死?」
  • 論語 而由人乎哉?」
  • 論語 君子何患乎無兄弟也?」
  • 論語 吾得而食諸?」
  • 論語 奚其正?」
  • 論語 焉用稼!」
  • 論語 何足算也!」
  • 論語 豈其然乎?」
  • 論語 其天乎!」

    Perhaps exclamatory.

  • 論語 公伯寮其如命何!」
  • 論語 焉能繫而不食!」
  • 論語 天何言哉?」
  • 論語 則小子何述焉?」
  • 論語 於女安乎?」

    These things are supposed not to provide proper peace of mind.

  • 論語 如之何其拒人也!」
  • 論語 夫子焉不學, 而亦何常師之有
  • 論語 夫子之云,
  • 莊子 吾將為名乎?
  • 莊子 豈唯形骸有聾盲哉?
  • 莊子 孰肯以物為事!
  • 莊子 不亦悲乎!
  • 莊子 其我獨芒,
  • 莊子 吾獨且柰何哉!
  • 莊子 不道之道?
  • 莊子 若不釋然,何哉?