SPEECH ACT of making a statement and elaborating one's point of view by dismissing an alternative or contrasting statement.

Dismissal of one proposition in order to prepare the way for another.

  • SPEECH ACTRHETORICAL TROPE in the form of a deliberate rhetorico-semantic act performed. [This definition is still a tentative stop-gap, and this category is far larger than I would like. It needs to be intelligently subdivided. CH]
    • RHETORICAL TROPE體裁詞格 RHETORICAL DEVICE mainly concerned with the structural semantics of expressions.
  • ARSIS-AND-THESIS+ELLIPSISARSIS-AND-THESIS in which only the dismissed statement is made explicitly, and the asserted statement is left to be understood.
    • ARSIS-AND-THESIS-INVERTEDInverted ARSIS-AND-THESIS in which the dismissal comes last. ARSIS-AND-THESIS where the dismissed view is stated last, not first.
      REF: Not in Lausberg or Lanman.

      HF 12.1

      凡說之難: As for the difficulties of persuasion in general

      非吾知之 is is not a difficulty about knowing something

      有以說之之難也, and having something to persuade others with;

      又非吾辯之 neither is it a difficulty of having argued something out

      能明吾意之難也, and being able to make clear one's meaning;

      又非吾敢橫失(佚) nor is it a difficulty of daring to speak out in an untramelled way

      而能盡之難也。 and being able to say everything.

      5 凡說之難: In general the problem of persuasion

      在知所說之心, consists in understanding the way of thinking of the person persuaded,

      可以吾說當之。 and being in a position to fit this disposition with one's persuasion.

        Rhetorical device locations: 21
        • 韓非子 非罰小功也, 罰功不當名也
        • 韓非子 非不說於大功也, 以為不當名之害甚於有大功
        • 韓非子 非不惡寒也, 以為侵官之害甚於寒
        • 韓非子 非地與城亡也, 呂氏弗制
        • 韓非子 不曰 乘威嚴之勢 以困姦衺之臣 而皆曰 仁義惠愛而已矣
        • 韓非子 “非其鬼不神也, 其神不傷人也
        • 道德經 非以明民, 將以愚之也
        • 論語 「不患人之不己知, 患不知人也

          The order of these statements is obligatory: the arsis has to precede the thesis. The effect created is that of CRESCENDO.

        • 論語 「不患無位, 患所以立
        • 論語 不患莫己知, 求為可知也
        • 論語 「德不孤, 必有鄰
        • 論語 「非不說子之道, 力不足也
        • 論語 『非敢後也, 馬不進也
        • 論語 「我非生而知之者, 好古 敏以求之者也
        • 論語 非我也, 夫二三子也
        • 論語 「非曰能之, 願學焉
        • 論語 「不患人之不己知, 患其不能也
        • 論語 「非敢為佞也, 疾固也
        • 論語 「驥不稱其力, 稱其德也
        • 論語 不患寡而患不均,
        • 論語 不患貧而患不安;