IRONIA with the central element of parody.

滑稽擬作法 Ironic discourse in playful imitation of a well-known model.

  • IRONIAHISTRIONIC way of expressing something by playfully creating an appearance of claiming its opposite, typically assuming one's playfulness to be understood by the intended audience. The use of words to express something diametrically different from their meaning, or in a histrionically mediated sense. test
    • HISTRIONICSRHETORICAL TROPE which crucially involves playful dissimulation of one's real meaning.
      • RHETORICAL TROPE體裁詞格 RHETORICAL DEVICE mainly concerned with the structural semantics of expressions.
    Rhetorical device locations: 4
    • 韓非子 令下未遍

      HF does not present this as a historical fact. It is rather a spoof on current ways of telling political success stories.

    • 莊子 《齊諧》者, 志怪者也
    • 莊子 且夫水之積也不厚, 則負大舟也無力 覆杯水於坳堂之上 則芥為之舟 置杯焉則膠 水淺而舟大也 風之積也不厚 則其負大翼也無力 故九萬里 則風斯在下矣 而後乃今培風 背負青天 而莫之夭閼者 而後乃今將圖南

      This is a parody of human petty reasoning.

    • 論語 「吾何執? 執御乎 執射乎 吾執御矣