省略法 RHETORICAL FIGURE of omitting an expression which is to be understood from context.

Leaving out of words or phrases which have to be understood in order to understand what is said. Compare ZEUGMA, which is ELLIPSIS of a word that "re"curs in context.

  • RHETORICAL FIGURE形式詞格 RHETORICAL DEVICE which mainly consists in the distribution of expressions in a passage.
  • APHAIRESISELLIPSIS of the first part of a word.
    • APOCOPEELLIPSIS of the last part of a word. 省尾法 Omission of the last syllable in word.
      • ASYNDETONELLIPSIS of a connective like "and" or "or" between words, expressions or clauses even linked sentences. Unmarked juxtaposition of coordinate elements.
      • ELLIPSIS-EGO-SUBJECTELLIPSIS of the first person subject. 自我省略法 ELLIPSIS of the first person subject.
        • ELLIPSIS-NEW-SUBJECTELLIPSIS of a new subject. 換主語而省略主語法 ELLIPSIS of a subject in spite of the fact that there has been a change of subject.
          • ENTHYMEMAELLIPSIS of a premiss in an argument.
            • APHAERESISMETAPLASMUS or ELLISPSIS in the form of omission of a syllable from the beginning of a word, as 'twixt for betwixt.
              • APOSIOPESISANOMIA in the form of ELLIPSIS of the last part of a sentence, paragraph or passage.Deliberate act of falling silent in mid-sentence. Also known as RETICENTIA (as opposed to INTERRUPTIO 打斷法 )
                • APOSIOPESIS-SENTENTIAL APOSIOPESIS of the last part of a paragraph. Falling silent after a subordinate sentence, thus omitting the main clause, ellipsis of a whole clause.Traditionally known by the Greek tongue-breaker "anantapodoton".The protasis (e.g. first part of a conditional clause) is present, but the apodosis (e.g. the second part of an "if ... then" sentence) is absent.
                • ELLIPSIS-DISJUNCTION選擇法 Unmarked juxtaposition of two expressions which must be interpreted as alternatives linked by "or".
                  • ARSIS-AND-THESIS+ELLIPSISARSIS-AND-THESIS in which only the dismissed statement is made explicitly, and the asserted statement is left to be understood.
                    • DIAZEUGMAZEUGMA of identical subjects in successive clauses. One subject serving as the subject for many verbs.
                      • HYPOZEUGMA先省略法 Ellipsis of a word or expression which is mentioned once and understood/omitted afterwards in the same clause, sentence, or sometimes even wider context.
                        • PROZEUGMA後省略法 Ellipsis of a word which reoccurs later within the same clause, sentence, or sometimes even wider context. This is so common that one need not go on registering it.
                          REF: Lausberg 690

                          Greek/Latin: Commonly discussed. Quint. 9.3.58 ut 'stupere gaudio Graecus': simul enim auditur 'coepit'. [Quintilian is wrong: we have a "historical infinitive"(!)] Isid. 1.34.10 eclipsis est defectus dictionis, in quo necessaria verba desunt...

                          Ancient Chinese: Ubiquitous.

                          Rhetorical device locations: 2
                          • 韓非子 長城巨防,


                          • 論語 「不患人之不己知, 患不知人也