排列法 List of coordinated elements.

  • ASYNDETONELLIPSIS of a connective like "and" or "or" between words, expressions or clauses even linked sentences. Unmarked juxtaposition of coordinate elements.
    • ELLIPSIS省略法 RHETORICAL FIGURE of omitting an expression which is to be understood from context.Leaving out of words or phrases which have to be understood in order to understand what is said. Compare ZEUGMA, which is ELLIPSIS of a word that "re"curs in context.
      • RHETORICAL FIGURE形式詞格 RHETORICAL DEVICE which mainly consists in the distribution of expressions in a passage.
Rhetorical device locations: 1
  • 史記 列侯武城侯王離、 列侯通武王賁 倫侯建成侯趙亥 倫侯昌武侯成 倫侯武信侯馮毋擇 丞相隗林丞相王綰 卿李斯卿王戊 五大夫趙嬰五大夫楊樛從