Use of similar-sounding words for for stylistic effect, WORD-PLAY in MacKendrick 1995.

Traditionally sometimes called PARECHESIS. (Incidentally: often misspelt PARANOMASIA by some sinologists.) See also POLYPTOTON.

  • WORD-PLAYSPEECH ACT which does not only use words but plays with their form and content.WORD-PLAY
    • SPEECH ACTRHETORICAL TROPE in the form of a deliberate rhetorico-semantic act performed. [This definition is still a tentative stop-gap, and this category is far larger than I would like. It needs to be intelligently subdivided. CH]
      • RHETORICAL TROPE體裁詞格 RHETORICAL DEVICE mainly concerned with the structural semantics of expressions.
Miriam 166. Specifically, paronomasia refers to the use of different words containing the same root. Word play with different roots is properly called parechema or parechesis. Quod vide.

REF: Hofmann and Szantyr p. 709-712 gives a fine historical survey for Latin. Lausberg 637 and 661f.

Greek/Latin: Common as a pheonomenon, and currently discussed in the literature.

Ancient Chinese: Ubiquitous is many kinds of texts. Notoriously so in Ba2ihu3to1ng and in some early dictionaries.

Rhetorical device locations: 6
  • 韓非子 德者, 內也 得者
  • 韓非子 德者, 得身也


  • 韓非子 義者, 君臣上下之事 父子貴賤之差也 知交朋友之接也 親踈內外之分也 臣事君宜 下懷上宜 子事父宜 賤敬貴宜 知交友朋之相助也宜 親者內而踈者外宜


  • 韓非子 謂其宜也,
  • 論語 「苟正其身矣, 於從政乎何有 不能正其身 如正人何


  • 莊子 故知止其所不知, 至矣