接下行法 Line-break between subject and predicate of a sentence, the predicate extending over several lines.

  • ENJAMBEMENTARHYTHMIA in the form of lack of strong caesura at the end of a line in a text with regular line numbers. 接下行法 Continuation of one construction across two lines. See also ENJAMBEMENT-MULTIPLE, and the converse, STACCATO.
    • ARHYTHMIAANOMIA in the context of PARALLELISM in which the repeated rhythm is broken. Breaking of regular rhythm, the converse of ISOCOLON.
      • ANOMIARHETORICAL STYLE of breaking norms, conventions or regular patterns of a language.
        • RHETORICAL STYLE體裁詞格 RHETORICAL DEVICE which is mainly concerned with matters of style of presentation rather than distribution of expressions or semantic structure.
    Rhetorical device locations: 21
    • 百喻經 四大火風從何而生。
    • 百喻經 四大火風從空而生。
    • 百喻經 ‘天下眾生為苦為樂?’”
    • 百喻經 五百梵志心開意解,
    • 百喻經 「如彼人者憍慢恃力
    • 百喻經 毗舍闍者喻於眾魔及以外道。
    • 百喻經 人天五道資用之具皆從中出。
    • 百喻經 皮氈之價理自懸殊。
    • 百喻經 天雨溼爛喻於放逸敗壞善行。
    • 百喻經 不殺戒者即佛法身最上妙因,
    • 百喻經 是故行者應當精心持不殺戒。
    • 百喻經 精勤勞苦作小牛者喻於名聞互相是非。
    • 百喻經 夫為學者研思精微博通多識。
    • 百喻經 生死愚人為愛奴僕亦復如是。
    • 百喻經 正念覺意道品財寶悉皆散失。
    • 百喻經 其失牛者逐跡至村。
    • 呂氏春秋 丈夫女子, 振振殷殷
    • 詩經 螽斯羽, 薨薨兮 宜爾子孫繩繩兮
    • 賢愚經 即從天下 前詣佛所。
    • 賢愚經 即時群僚 前後圍繞 欲得聽聞。
    • 賢愚經 唯第四天 宮殿湛然。