選擇並列詞法 順耳 Euphonic disjunctive BINOME.

    • BINOMERHETORICAL STYLE in which two-morpheme words are used or preferred to one-syllable words. Customary or emphatic juxtaposition of coordinate elements (with syntactically and semantically reversible word order) without markers of their relation. Traditionally classified as ASYNDETON.
      • RHETORICAL STYLE體裁詞格 RHETORICAL DEVICE which is mainly concerned with matters of style of presentation rather than distribution of expressions or semantic structure.
The general principle of euphony is that IN REVERSIBLE BINOMES all MC tones precede Middle Chinese entering tone, and that all Middle Chinese level tones precede MC falling tone. Whatever corresponds to Middle Chinese tones in Old Chinese reconstructions clearly tended to affect preferred word order in reversible binomes in Old Chinese, as demonstrated in detail by Ulrich Unger in his 8 volume grammar of classical Chinese. The attempted subclassification of binomes tries to systematise the evidence for this.

    Rhetorical device locations: 1
    • 韓非子 故劫殺擁(壅)蔽之主,
