ANOMIA or VITIUM in the form of a manifestly and deliberately wrong use of a word.

Use of a manifestly wrong word as a deliberate rhetorical device. 

Contrast MALAPROPISM which focusses on the maladroit demonstration of lack of proper learning and education precisely through the effort to show off such education or learning.

  • ANOMIARHETORICAL STYLE of breaking norms, conventions or regular patterns of a language.
    • RHETORICAL STYLE體裁詞格 RHETORICAL DEVICE which is mainly concerned with matters of style of presentation rather than distribution of expressions or semantic structure.
  • ENALLAGE錯用詞尾法 ACYROLOGIA in the form of deliberate wrong use of inflections on words.Enallage is the deliberate use of one case, person, gender, number, tense or mood for another.
    REF: Lanham.

    Greek/Latin: According to Quintilian a linguistic impropriety or mistake. EX: O villain! thou wilt be condemn'd into everlasting redemption for this (Much Ado about Nothing, IV, ii).

    Ancient Chinese: I have yet to find a proper example in pre-Buddhist texts. But one suspects that an example of this would be hard to be sure of even if one found it.

    Rhetorical device locations: 0