SPEECH ACT which consists in the reporting of events.

  • SPEECH ACTRHETORICAL TROPE in the form of a deliberate rhetorico-semantic act performed. [This definition is still a tentative stop-gap, and this category is far larger than I would like. It needs to be intelligently subdivided. CH]
    • RHETORICAL TROPE體裁詞格 RHETORICAL DEVICE mainly concerned with the structural semantics of expressions.
  • FICTIOHISTRIONIC NARRATIO or discursive invention.
    • ANIMALIFICATIO FICTIO converting what is not an animal into an animal.
      • PERSONIFICATIO FICTIO converting what is not a person into a person.Attribution of personal attributes to non-humans.
        • PROSOPOPOEIA PERSONIFICATION in the form FICTIO of speech in things that cannot speak. Fictional attribution of speech to animals or things that cannot speak.
        • PERSONIFICATIO-ABSTRACT-SUBJECT 抽象擬人﹣主語 The personified use of abstract nouns as (quasi-)agents
      • FICTIO PERSONAE FICTIO or narrative invention of a person.
        • FICTIO VERBI FICTIO or invention of a word which does not exist.
          • SERMOCINATIO FICTIO of speech or opinion in a real historical person.Attribution of speech or opinion to a real historical person.
            • FICTIO-PERSONAE 臆造人物法 Overt invention of a non-existing person.
              • FICTIO-VERBI 創詞法 Deliberate and overt coining of a new term.
              • AUTOBIOGRAPHIANARRATIO of the speaker commenting on his own life. The autobiographic mode, diachronic or untensed, as the case may be.
                • REMINISCENTIA AUTOBIOGRAPHIA which consists of the reporting of memories that are emotionally important to the author. Recital of personal reminiscences, most often of woes or injuries.
                  • AUTOBIOGRAPHIA-AUTHORIAL AUTOBIOGRAPHIA in which the author of a text addresses his audience with autobiographic discourse.
                  • FLASHBACKNARRATIO in which the narrator suddenly moves radically back in time. 追敘法
                    • ADNARRATIONARRATIO of a subsidiary kind which serves to explain or elaborate a detail in another main story.
                      • MYTHOSNARRATIO with a traditional typically supernatural conventionally well-known theme.
                        • FRAME TALE
                          Rhetorical device locations: 0