QUAESTIO which raises a question as being unanswerable for the time being.

The explicit raising of an (typically abstract) topic as a matter of general theoretical or intellectual interest.

  • QUAESTIOADDRESS in the form of an open question.The posing of open questions without providing or expecting an answer. Compare APORIA, DUBITATIO, HAESITATIO.
    • ADDRESSSPEECH ACT of explicitly addressing an audience.
      • SPEECH ACTRHETORICAL TROPE in the form of a deliberate rhetorico-semantic act performed. [This definition is still a tentative stop-gap, and this category is far larger than I would like. It needs to be intelligently subdivided. CH]
        • RHETORICAL TROPE體裁詞格 RHETORICAL DEVICE mainly concerned with the structural semantics of expressions.
Crucial area for intellectual history and history of science that needs detailed exploration.

    Rhetorical device locations: 94