This is a convenient place to assemble stylistically marked structural syntactic phenomena that are not linked to any particular expression and cannot therefore be registered elsewhere in the TLS system.

  • RHETORICAL STYLE體裁詞格 RHETORICAL DEVICE which is mainly concerned with matters of style of presentation rather than distribution of expressions or semantic structure.
  • POSTPOSED RELATIVE CLAUSE UNMARKED詞後加修飾句法 INVERSIO in the form of a postposed modification. 釋名 : 人始生曰嬰兒 "A human who has just been born is called a baby" is a characteristic example. Note that what is said to be a baby is not the birth, or the fact of having just been born.
    • MULTIPLE MODIFICATIONThe use of two or more adjectives to modify one and the same nominal expression.
      • MULTIPLE NAMINGThe stringing together of a long series of names.
          Rhetorical device locations: 0