LITERARY GENRE which consists in describing events in the past.

  • LITERARY GENRECulturally "Institutionalised" RHETORICAL DEVICE which consists in writing something consciously as belonging to a recognised literary genre or conventionally practised kind of document. These genres or text sorts constitute an evolving repertoire of available genres.
Rhetorical device locations: 1
  • 論語 9.11 顏淵喟然歎曰: 仰之彌高 鑽之彌堅 瞻之在前 忽焉在後 夫子循循然善誘人 博我以文 約我以禮 欲罷不能 既竭吾才 如有所立卓爾 雖欲從之 末由也已

    In one sense this is a historiographical piece on how Confucius was perceived. In a broader sense it can be regarded as part of his biography.