A RHETORICAL DEVICE which consists in the implementation of a narrative strategy.

  • AUCTORIAL MOTIVATIONNARRATOLOGICAL DEVICE , the analysis of the 'why' of the story in terms of the aims and intentions of a character.
      • ANALEPSISNARRATOLOGICAL DEVICE the form of a narration of an event which took place before the point in the story where it is told.
        • ANTICIPATORY DOUBLETThe forshadowing of a coming event, theme, or scene by a minor replica of itself.
          • APPOSITIVE SUMMARYA summary which both recapitulates the action of the preceding scene and suggests the action is continuing.
            • CATCH-WORD TECHNIQUERepetition, often at the beginning of a speech, of a word or expression from the interlocutor's speech, sometimes with a different tone or meaning.
              • CHARACTER DOUBLETIntroduction of two characters who are presented as similar in personalithy and actions.
                • CHARACTERISATIONEKPHRASIS presenting in some detail the characteristic features of a personality including hi physical appearance, biography, and personality traits.
                  • CHARACTER LANGUAGEREPETITIO of words or phrases which are typical of or characteristic for a character.
                    • DOMINO FORMREPETITIO or VARIATION in a new speech of a word or expression with which the preceding speech ended. (For example in a pattern like ABC C'DE E'FGH etc.)
                      • EMBEDDED STORYEmbedding a new story Y in an ongoing story X.
                        • MIRROR STORY An EMBEDDED STORY which in its entirety reflects the main story.
                        • EPIC REGRESSIONHaving mentioned an event, person or object, moving back in time to explain the background of the event, person, or object.
                          • FOCALISERUse of a personality in a narrative as the person thorough whose eyes the event and persons of a narrative are 'seen'.
                            • DRAMATISING COUNTERFACTUAL"There X would have happened, if not in fact Y had occurred.
                              • INDIRECT DIALOGUEA talks to B about character C or about thigns which concern C (and which he intends C to hear) without addressing C.
                                • INTERLACE TECHNIQUEThe technique of interweaving different storylines or scenes through regular switches between them.
                                  • INTERRUPTION TECHNIQUEAn action of idea is introduced, suspended for a while, and then resumed and completed.
                                    • NARRATEEMention of the intended auchience or readership of a narrative.
                                      • PERIPHRASTIC DENOMINATIONANTONOMASIA: A reference to a character not by proper name but by a form of indirect description.
                                        • PROLEPSISFORESHADOWING: the narration of an event whih will take place later than the point in the story where it is told.
                                          • RETARDATIONA slowing down of the narrative rhythm or the postponement of an announced event.
                                            • SEEDHINT: the insertion of a piece of information, the relevance of which will only later become clear. (Very common in Chinese novels.)
                                              • TYPE-SCENEA recurrent block of narrative with an identifiable structure and often an identical language, typically of recurrent human activities.
                                                Rhetorical device locations: 0