同末法﹣間接 ...X,...Y/...X...Y

  • EPIPHORAREPETITIO of the same word at the end of consecutive lines/cola. 同末法 /...x/...x/ Successive cola ending in the same word or expression.
    • REPETITIORHETORICAL FIGURE in which one and the same lexical, phonological, syntactic, or semantic element is repeated for rhetorical effect./...x...x.../: non-adjacent repetition of the same word, contrast morphological reduplication.
      • RHETORICAL FIGURE形式詞格 RHETORICAL DEVICE which mainly consists in the distribution of expressions in a passage.
    Rhetorical device locations: 8
    • 韓非子 功當其事, 事當其言 則賞 功不當其事 事不當其言


    • 韓非子 德者, 內也 得者 外也

      The typical case of staggering involves independent sentences.

    • 韓非子 夫恃貌而論情者, 其情惡也 須飾而論質者 其質衰也
    • 韓非子 兕虎有域, 而萬害有原 避其域 塞其原
    • 道德經 天地不仁, 以萬物為芻狗 聖人不仁 以百姓為芻狗


    • 道德經 將欲歙之, 必固張之 將欲弱之 必固強之 將欲廢之 必固興之 將欲奪之 必固與之
    • 道德經 圖難於其易, 為大於其細也 天下難事 必作於易 天下大事 必作於細


    • 論語 「奢則不孫, 儉則固 與其不孫也 寧固