兩段間一一列舉法 ENUMERATIO across TLS records

  • ENUMERATIOPARALLELISM nominal expressions in the form of an enumerated list. 一一列舉法 Quantified enumeration of (usually brief) numbered points. For unquantified summary see PERCURSIO
    • PARALLELISMREPETITIO of the structural organisation of an expression.Structural parallelism, which is typically a complicate matter of degrees depending on how detailed the description is on which one's notion of parallelism is based.. Traditionally sometimes called PARISON.
      • REPETITIORHETORICAL FIGURE in which one and the same lexical, phonological, syntactic, or semantic element is repeated for rhetorical effect./...x...x.../: non-adjacent repetition of the same word, contrast morphological reduplication.
        • RHETORICAL FIGURE形式詞格 RHETORICAL DEVICE which mainly consists in the distribution of expressions in a passage.
Rhetorical device locations: 5
  • 韓非子 天下固已量秦力二矣。


  • 韓非子 天下固以量秦之謀臣一矣。
  • 韓非子 天下固量秦力三矣。


  • 韓非子 一曰在同床。 何謂同床 貴夫人 愛孺子 便僻好色 此人主之所惑也

    Eight points enumerated.

  • 韓非子 十過: 十過 一曰行小忠 則大忠之賊也 二曰顧小利 則大利之殘也 三曰行僻自用 無禮諸侯 則亡身之至也