引用加評注法 Quoting a passage or having a passage quoted to one and then commenting on it.

Greek: epikrisis

  • QUOTATIONIntertextual METALINGUISTIC COMMENT introducing direct discourse.
    • METALINGUISTIC COMMENTRHETORICAL TROPE which consists in remarks not mainly concerned with the world but about language itself or about one's present or forthcoming message and its place in the world.
      • RHETORICAL TROPE體裁詞格 RHETORICAL DEVICE mainly concerned with the structural semantics of expressions.
REF: Lanham. Miriam 103 on epicrisis.

EX: Churchill: They say "In three weeks England will have her neck wrung like a chicken." Some chicken! Some neck!

Greek/Latin: Common, particularly in Cicero. But the terms are post-classical, not in Lausberg. However, Sonnino mentions Trapezuntius (1470) as the earliest source.

Ancient Chinese: Quotation for comment is ubiquitous in early Chinese literature, and Mo4zi3 as well as Xu2nzi3 provide extensive evidence for it. However, the dominant form of quotation obviously remained without commentary and was designed to give authority to one's statements. Moreover, the dominant form of comment on one's quotations was in the form of further elaboration and approval. The style of Churchill's comments seems rather alien to pre-Buddhist China, but not at all alien to Late Ming China.

In LY canonical texts are currently mentioned and commented upon.

    Rhetorical device locations: 11
    • 韓非子 言其神不淫於外也。
    • 論語 無違。」 樊遲曰 何謂也 子曰 事之以禮 葬之以禮 祭之以禮
    • 論語 「《書》云: 孝乎惟孝 友于兄弟 施於有政 是亦為政 奚其為為政
    • 論語 「『巧笑倩兮, 美目盼兮 素以為絢兮 何謂也 子曰 繪事後素 禮後乎 子曰 起予者商也 始可與言已矣
    • 論語 「與其媚於奧, 寧媚於竈 何謂也 子曰 不然 獲罪於天 無所禱也
    • 論語 何謂也?」


    • 論語 何謂也?」 子曰 何必高宗 古之人皆然 君薨 百官總己以聽於冢宰 三年
    • 論語 「何謂惠而不費?」 子曰 因民之所利而利之 斯不亦惠而不費乎 擇可勞而勞之 又誰怨 欲仁而得仁 又焉貪
    • 論語 「何謂四惡?」 子曰 不教而殺謂之虐 不戒視成謂之暴 慢令致期謂之賊 猶之與人也 出納之吝 謂之有司
    • 莊子 是鳥也,

      南冥 is being commented on.

    • 莊子 《齊諧》者, 志怪者也