詞同、用法不同反復法 Using the same word several times in different grammatical forms or distinct grammatical functions in the same sentence/context.

  • WORD-PLAYSPEECH ACT which does not only use words but plays with their form and content.WORD-PLAY
    • SPEECH ACTRHETORICAL TROPE in the form of a deliberate rhetorico-semantic act performed. [This definition is still a tentative stop-gap, and this category is far larger than I would like. It needs to be intelligently subdivided. CH]
      • RHETORICAL TROPE體裁詞格 RHETORICAL DEVICE mainly concerned with the structural semantics of expressions.
REF: Hofmann and Szantyr, pp. 707-709, Lausberg 640-648

Greek/Latin: Alex. Schem. III, p. 34,23; Martianus Capella 41.535

Ancient Chinese: Absent for grammatical reasons, in the strict sense, but quite common from the functional broader point of view.

Rhetorical device locations: 13
  • 百喻經 望得使冷。


  • 郭店語叢 亡物不物,

  • 道德經 道可道, 非恒道

    道 is played upon in two different meanings.

  • 道德經 名可名,

    名 is used as noun and verb.

  • 道德經 夫唯病病,


  • 道德經 以其病病。


  • 道德經 夫唯病病,


  • 論語 「賢賢易色;

  • 論語 知和而和,

    和 is used as nab and as vi - act.

  • 論語 誨女知之乎! 知之為知之 不知為不知 是知也

    知 . Note that the final occurrence is nominal. Hence this is not a simple case of REPETITIO.

  • 論語 人潔己以進, 與其絜也

  • 論語 人而不仁,

    Deliberate paradox involving the cognates 人/仁 .

  • 論語 吉月,必朝服而朝。
