IRONIA involving sarcasm.

冷笑法 Sarcastic humorous remark.

  • IRONIAHISTRIONIC way of expressing something by playfully creating an appearance of claiming its opposite, typically assuming one's playfulness to be understood by the intended audience. The use of words to express something diametrically different from their meaning, or in a histrionically mediated sense. test
    • HISTRIONICSRHETORICAL TROPE which crucially involves playful dissimulation of one's real meaning.
      • RHETORICAL TROPE體裁詞格 RHETORICAL DEVICE mainly concerned with the structural semantics of expressions.
  • CHLEUASMUS冷笑法 Sarcastic reply that mocks an opponent and leaves him no answer.
    Miriam 255 "Sarcasmus is a more bitter taunt than mycterismus, a more open mock." Susenbrotus 15: plena est odio atque hostilis irrisuo. Vel iocus cum amaritudine.

    REF: Scaliger 3.86. Not in Ernesti or Lausberg.

    Greek/Latin: Current.

    Ancient Chinese: Sarcasm was a standard ploy by advisers, but I cannot recall cases of long sustained sarcasm. What we have are sarcastic remarks in one sentence or clause. (See SHIJI Huajizhuan, ZHUANG etc.) This deserves detailed study. The obvious point of departure is the chapter on court jesters in SHIJI.

      Rhetorical device locations: 4
      • 韓非子 “我笑勾踐也。 為人之如是其易也 己獨何為密密十年難乎
      • 韓非子 *薄疑謂趙簡主曰: 君之國中飽 簡主欣然而喜曰 何如焉 對曰 府庫空虛於上 百姓貧餓於下 然而姦吏富矣
      • 論語 「大哉孔子!
      • 論語 「再, 斯可矣