ADDRESS to an audience in the form of an exhortation or encouragement towards a certain action or a certain kind of recommended behaviour.

  • ADDRESSSPEECH ACT of explicitly addressing an audience.
    • SPEECH ACTRHETORICAL TROPE in the form of a deliberate rhetorico-semantic act performed. [This definition is still a tentative stop-gap, and this category is far larger than I would like. It needs to be intelligently subdivided. CH]
      • RHETORICAL TROPE體裁詞格 RHETORICAL DEVICE mainly concerned with the structural semantics of expressions.
  • AGITATIOADHORTATIO which openly encourages coordinated common action, often drastic action.
    • PROPAGANDALITERARY GENRE in the form of an ADHORTATIO that is publicly organised and systematically encourages the social public implementation of an ideology.
      • DEPRECATIOADHORTATIO encouraging empathy for someone criticised, accused, or attacked.
        Rhetorical device locations: 21
        • 論語 7.6 子曰:
        • 論語 「篤信好學,
        • 論語 「不在其位,
        • 論語 「學如不及, 猶恐失之
        • 論語 「回也 非助我者也 於吾言無所不說
        • 論語 「出門如見大賓, 使民如承大祭
        • 論語 「居之無倦, 行之以忠
        • 論語 「學如不及, 猶恐失之
        • 論語 「富與貴, 是人之所欲也 不以其道得之 不處也 貧與賤 是人之所惡也 不以其道得之 不去也

          Implicit suasive ADHORTATIO is endemic in Lunyu. Since it is unmarked (except when involving negations) it is hard to be sure of.

        • 論語 「見賢思齊焉, 見不賢而內自省也
        • 論語 「事父母幾諫, 見志不從 又敬不違 勞而不怨
        • 論語 「事父母幾諫, 見志不從 又敬不違 勞而不怨
        • 論語 「父母在, 不遠遊 遊必有方
        • 論語 「君子喻於義, 小人喻於利
        • 論語 「見賢思齊焉, 見不賢而內自省也
        • 論語 「事父母幾諫, 見志不從 又敬不違 勞而不怨
        • 論語 「父母在, 不遠遊 遊必有方
        • 論語 「事父母幾諫, 見志不從 又敬不違 勞而不怨
        • 論語 「父母在, 不遠遊 遊必有方
        • 論語 「古者言之不出, 恥躬之不逮也
        • 論語 「以約失之者 鮮矣

          Be relevantly concise!